Sunday, June 28, 2009

Travelling crochet hook

I have been meaning to put these photos here and tell you about Jimbo's Travelling Hook.
I'm in the Melbourne Crochet Lovers' Group on the ever famous The one gentleman in our group, Jimbo, is from the US and he is a crochet hook maker of quite some repute. He recently sent us a hook of his making which appeared in a photo about our Tunisian crochet day, but I think I forgot to put up the end result of the hook's visit. Jimbo sent the hook with the idea of it travelling around Vic and making squares to be donated to charity causes. The purple is to be put in a rug for supporting cancer research, the red is for including in a rug to raise funds for the CFA, and the blue is for a rug to raise funds for Friedrich's Ataxia which is a cause that Jimbo supports in the US.

The squares are all taken from Chris Simon's patterns, the purple is Supernova, a design I liked and I will never make it again, it involved too much alteration to sit flat, and not just the one I made, but by another group member as well. Chris tells you it will need smoothing, but I found I had to alter the number of stitches in the last few rows to have anything remembling a flat square.
The red and blue squares are Butterfly Garden and I would love a throw myself in this pattern, it is now an all-time favourite.
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