Tuesday, June 9, 2009

SnB of a different kind

Recently a few of us joined in a special day, a kind of version of a SnB for the ladies at Mudgegong who had been burnt out in the fires. Some had lost their homes and with them all their precious bits and pieces, some had lost everything on their property but managed to save their houses. The idea came from Leonie at Beechworth Quilter's Cottage and was developed by Christine who is President of the Regional Business Development Network. The ABC radio team were there and also local TV and newspapers. The ladies from Wooragee did a wonderful job providing lunch and one of the Mudgegonga ladies, Inge had her 84th birthday with cake, and took home a patchwork quilt. Many ladies went home with donated quilts and some sewed and joined in the crafts. Maree and I helped a lady make lining for her curtains. Luckily she saved her home, but everything else was burnt.
For one lady whose house is gone, it was the first time she had been to an outing since the fires went through. Let's hope that by gathering and offering support we can ease some of the heartache.

Then back at the patchwork shop a week later, Elke was sewing puffs

and I was knitting green! It's good knitting weather!

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