Tuesday, June 9, 2009

1WIP and 2 Finished Projects

Sometimes things get started and they just don't 'go right'. This is one of them, so it is still a WIP. I love the colours of the yarn which was a real 'find' at the ACS Mill Shop and I started making a crochet vest for James. Then I wondered if it was not boyish enough, but decided it was fine. Quite a few more rows and I can't decide what to do as it has shaping for a hood and he is not a 'hoodie fan' yet. In fact long sleeves and trousers don't go down well with him either which is why it was going to be a vest in the first place. So it is in the siding waiting for some other big projects to choof on by!

I found this yellow cotton yarn at my favourite charity shop at Crowle on a visit to Sydney. It is scraggy but really appealed to me, I love the colour. I made a scarf for my previous yellow swap from it and there was plenty left over. I had half a ball in my project bag (that I'd grabbed in haste without looking to see what was in there and chucked in the car with the news that Tim had to have surgery on his broken nose the next morning) and sitting for 16 hours at the hospital it was one of the few things I had to occupy me, so I started on a scarf and finished it when I got home to the remaining yarn. I have worn it several times as it is a great accessory for when it isn't quite cold enough for a woolly scarf. I can definitely recommend making some scarves from cotton yarn for our Aussie climate.

This has been a very important project. It is the next colour in the Rainbow Swap, Green. The fibre is merino and flax from First Edition Fibres and Yarn at Euroa and I've spun and plied to create an 8ply yarn for my swap partner.

I was VERY pleased with the finished skein and it shows the best colour. I hope my partner will be able to knit something lovely with it. And the answer to the question is: there was 250gm and I have made 250 metres from it.

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