Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lightning McScarf!

Pattern--my own.
Using 10mm needles (I only had that size in Denise needles) cast on 12 stitches and knit until the 2 balls of Moda Vera Salome yarn I found left at Spotlight last year are all gone, cast off.
Commenced Monday 22nd Sept 2008 at 2.15pm
Completed Tuesday 23rd Sept at 11am
I don't think I have ever knitted anything wearable in 24 hours before. I procrastinate, get interrupted, find something else I should be doing which has a higher priority rating (such as cooking dinner, ironing uniforms or taking up jeans--that Mum stuff) or I desperately need to finish the office work I didn't get done because I was crafting (it's almost a perk of self-employment to craft during daylight and then work into the wee hours). But here it is: the quickest knitting I have ever done, gracefully draped over my favourite basket with the lovely spring sunshine coming in the window. Nearly all the knitting was done at Spinning Group while enjoying coffee and cake to celebrate Pam and John's golden wedding anniversary. I probably won't need to wear it until next winter, unless I go to Canada again soon! It is so thick and woolly it is reminiscent of double knitting.
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1 comment:

Penny said...

hey.... what happened to the Christmas present? *look into my eyes and repeat after me* I don't need this scarf, I must give it away.
(Just don't tell Georgie it's a Lightning McScarf or she'll want it)