Saturday, January 24, 2009

How long can you go and now you can get in the door....

Penny discovered Ravelry on the internet last year and immediately we joined and so did Maree. We wondered how we had missed it until then. It is so big and SOOOOOO us! But often things come just at the right time for reasons you never figure out.

Ravelry is a forum for the knit and crochet community. It has groups of people with similar interests. We joined the NE Fibre and Yarn Lovers Group and have found lovely new friends from our area. Maree and I spent a short time at the second get-together the group had at Yarrawonga in November and I offered our place with shed and dyeing activity organised by Maree for the next get-together which was in January while Penny and Dan, Georgie and James were visiting.

Our Spinning Group shed has been very much in need of a clean and tidy up so that we could actually get in to it. (You know what happens, in a hurry and open the door and shove stuff in to organise later, then later you can't get in the door so it all gets worse.) We wanted to get the dye equipment out so we had to clean the shed.....

Yarn cones from Bendigo kept Georgie amused for several afternoons. She joined them together and this was soooooo long we couldn't even pick it up with 4 of us.

Dyepots and plastic came out to be used and I finally found the bag of Wendy Dennis' beautiful white fleece that has been missing for about 5 years (the shed has been tidied in that time but the label has rubbed a-l-m-o-s-t right off the bag.
There is actually a little bit of space to access things now. And the blue hydrangea was really this colour although now, several weeks later it is almost blue again.
The cone snake was extended even longer! Who said kids can't have fun without toys!
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