Saturday, February 27, 2010

Magic loop, Noro, handspun and necessity

This year at Spinning Group we are going to concentrate on learning new techniques. They don't have to be spinning techniques, and we started off with one that we've been looking forward to learning. Fran showed us how to use magic loop, and to knit two socks at a time (for those who are sock knitters!). We started with a little bag.

I had many interruptions that afternoon, so concentration was very difficult and you can see the bottom of my bag is less than perfect. There are several holes and this means it's not the correct shape either. But when the interruptions stopped and I could concentrate without phones and doorbells, I got the hang of it. Thanks Fran!

This is another one for Fran, as this is her beautiful Noro yarn scarf (in her fave colour, green) in a very effective pattern.

I spun some autumn wool for a friend, Tanja. We are trading my spinning for some knitting she will do for me. That's a good trade! Tanja wanted an organic-look/feel yarn for freeform knit/crochet for a seasonal table. The fibre is from First Editions, Euroa and lovely colours and quality as usual.

And in case you are ever in this situation, and start to take the yarn off the niddy noddy before you realise you need to wash and block it, and it is i.m.p.o.s.s.i.b.l.e. to get back onto the niddy noddy without rewinding it all, necessity is said to be the mother of invention:
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