Saturday, February 14, 2009

Is there really anywhere cool?

Heat.............not something we are good at here in the mountains. We are good at cold. Very good. We are experts at frost at Silver Creek, in fact it is generally agreed that the name came from that very thing, silvery frost.....covering the area near the creek. So our plants have to be resistant to extreme frosts, and our animals have to adapt to frost on the ground all day in winter.
But my previous post told you how hot it has been. Would you like to be wearing a big fur coat? And is there really anywhere cool when the temperature is so high? We don't have airconditioning, we've always managed for the couple of really, really hot days without it by cooling down in the pool. The pool can then double as water supply for fire fighting. Poor Tiger wears a fur coat and had to seek out the coolest place.

The ensuite bathroom is on the southern side of the house and is the coldest room in winter (not ideal for an early morning shower at 0°C!!) so makes sense that it would be coolest in the heat too. And obviously if you squash in between the cool porcelain and the cool tiles you are about as good as you are going to get. Tiger was here everyday. Except for the afternoon he thought about going for a swim in the pool and climbed through the fence, but decided against it after I dampened his fur for him.

And in case you doubted the temperature, here is the thermometer in our usually cool office!
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