Thursday, October 23, 2008

How about making the longest scarf?

The Wangaratta longest scarf competition didn't make it to the Guinness Book of World Records but it did get to about 32km long before time started to run out. Now it is being transformed into lovely warm rugs for the needy. You can see one of the many 'rolls' in the picture on the left with a lovely red, black and white rug put together by Pam. The picture on the right shows a pile of squares ready to be joined together.
Pam and Maree were crocheting sections together and making a crochet edging:

Any helpers would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

Mooska said...

Look at you guys busily sewing.

I must confess my four 30metre rolls are still sitting in their boxes waiting to be sewn.

I am thinking of organising a fun day to do the sewing at one of the local businesses.

Just need to find time to set it all up!