Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I loved Laughing Purple Goldfish's 20lb fat cat, Rupert, so I made one also. 

His name is Sooty, and he is toooooooo fat to fit through the cat door, he has to wait for the door to be opened for him, and in a very cheeky way he went and sat where Tiger used to sit and terrify the Spinning Group ladies.

I never mind February flying by

This has been an extremely hot, exhausting summer, and now the fires are starting to happen around the outskirts of town, hopefully any more will continue to be controlled as quickly as they have been already.

I never mind February flying by because it's my least favourite month because of the heat and dryness.  The quicker it goes the more we get back to 'woolly' weather.  We started back with our Spinning Group a week later this year because of our visit to Qld, but there was quite a bit of woolly goodness despite the warm weather.